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Well my feet are getting a little closer to the ground again after what I can only describe as a MAD 5 or 6 months!
That’s not to say things have slowed down that much…
Our next door neighbours M&Co hosted a fashion show for a cancer charity and we were asked to do the models hair.
We also had the chance to sell some of our special Redken Xmas Packs – and in the break we did a makeover on one of the ladies.
Lynzie put her hair up in a fab style and Nicole applied her Make-up. She looked fantastic in the evening wear M&Co had dressed her in. Gok Wan eat your heart out!!
We had our second Pamper Party last Friday, boy was that hectic!
Five demanding 12 year olds all wanting pampering to within an inch of their lives!
Well I think we managed it and from what I have just heard from Mum of the birthday girl WE tired them out!! pha!
Our poor little fish got stirred up a little too after every one of them had a go!

But there’s no stopping us.. Once we had sent that lively lot back to Mum, we were straight up to Cedar Court Hotel to do the models hair for a fashion show themed Sex and the City (and we thought the 12 years olds were divas!!).
That was interesting.. naked bodies everywhere and that was just the buff waiters!!
I woke in a cold sweat Friday morning and no, it was nothing to do with the waiters! I realised Father Christmas was coming to Brighouse on Saturday to turn the lights on – and we seemed to be the only shop in Brighouse without any Xmas Decs!!
So up I got into my loft and pulled out all the lights I could find. So we are offically announcing Christmas has now arrived!!
Is it just me or has this year only had 4 months in it??
I hope we’ll see you all in the salon before Christmas to get your Party Hair ready – and maybe a little bit of well deserved personal pamering along the way!
Take care
Janet xx

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